Inspiring the Veterinary Profession for Climate Action
Inspiring the veterinary profession for climate action
Veterinarians for Climate Action (VfCA), formed in late 2019 to inspire the veterinary profession to advocate for and achieve climate action – both within the
veterinary industry and in the wider community. Veterinarian, Nobel Laureate and climate advocate, Professor Peter Doherty has recently come on board as the group’s patron. VfCA has also had the opportunity to meet with Dr Mark Schipp, Australia’s Chief Veterinary Officer and Dr Sam Hamilton, Director of Epidemiology and One Health.
Queensland veterinarian Dr Jeannet Kessels, the Founder and Chair of VfCA explain, “VfCA is a voice for all animals; we want to be putting the guard rails at the top of the cliff not being the ambulance at the bottom. We’ve just lost a billion wildlife in the bushfires, an absolutely devastating occurrence exacerbated by climate change. Will there be another billion lost next year? A half million livestock were lost in 2019 through flood and cold exposure, in our tropical north. Are we going to accept all this as the new norm?”
She reminds us that “Climate change is going to affect all livestock, wildlife and our domestic animals through changes in disease patterns, already being seen, increased temperatures affecting welfare and survival, and extreme weather events.
View article on page N25 of the AVJ