Climate change is already hurting the animals we love
Animals hold no responsibility for the causes of climate change, yet they feel the consequences most strongly: approximately 3 billion animals were killed or displaced by the 2019-20 bushfires, hundreds of thousands of livestock are killed by floods, and domestic pets suffer from heat stress each summer.
While climate change continues to pose a significant threat to animal health, welfare, production and biodiversity, the good news is we CAN halt catastrophic climate change. We have the knowledge, skills and influence to protect the animals we love - and the people who care for them - from climate change.
We want strong action on climate change
Vets for Climate Action represents concerned vets, vet nurses, vet receptionists, vet techs, animal carers, pet owners and animal lovers like you who want strong and immediate action on climate.
We promote sustainable veterinary care.
We inspire and educate within and beyond our own profession.
We advocate for climate action that protects the animals we love.
We protect biodiversity and the health of people, animals and the environment.
We are experiencing the impacts first hand
Veterinary professionals and animal carers are on the frontline
We know that the health and well-being of animals, humans and our environment are interlinked
We are responsible for biosecurity and food production, which contributes $20.4b to our economy
We understand the threats to our iconic wildlife and incredible biodiversity from the impacts of climate change and fossil fuel projects
Our Values
- We care deeply about animals, humanity and the environment. Consistent with the One Health paradigm, we recognise the three are inextricably linked
- We value the commitment of our people and honour the trust our communities have in the veterinary profession
- Our actions and policies are based on the available research and scientific evidence
- We are proudly non-partisan. We support climate-positive policies and call out climate-damaging policies, regardless of the party or politician they are associated with
- We are driven to achieve our strategic goals and increase our impact
Nobel Laureate Professor Peter Doherty AC FRS FMedSci Patron Vets for Climate Action
Our Vision: A world where animals and people thrive in a healthy climate
Our Purpose: To lead those who love, care for and work with animals to act urgently on climate change
Pathway to Impact: At the centre of Science, Policy and Politics, VfCA inspire, educate, mobilise, collaborate with, and act as a trusted advisor for the veterinary profession and animal care community to take climate action. As such, we grow, diversify, and strengthen the climate movement and embolden politicians to take urgent positive action to mitigate and adapt to climate change
Our Niche and Power
Information from a trusted advisor is more likely to be well received than via other mediums. Research has shown veterinarians, vet nurses and those associated with our profession are trusted voices. We are:
- deeply embedded within our local communities; rural, regional and urban
- regarded by the general population as knowledgeable, empathetic and trustworthy
- scientists who communicate complex matters in a simple way, opening up opportunities for action
- passionate about protecting the health and welfare of both animals and people
- trusted advisors to farmers, governments, and others, who are committed to the health of all animals
Ready to Join?
Healthy animals need a healthy climate. Join up to our community and stay up to date with our events, actions, resources and plans for the future, and become a voice for all animals.