Constitutional Membership of VfCA


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Constitutional Membership of VfCA

VfCA is a Company Limited by Guarantee and our staff and operations are governed by a Board of Directors who are in turn elected by our Constitutional Members. You have reached this page as you have been invited to become one of these Constitutional Members.

To become a Constitutional Member, you must complete this form and pay a $1 per year fee. Your application will then be considered by the Board of Directors at their next meeting, and you will be advised of the outcome by the Company Secretary.

In completing this transaction, you confirm that you:

(a) want to become a Constitutional Member,
(b) support the purpose(s) of the company,
(c) agree to comply with the company’s Constitution, including paying the $10 guarantee under clause 4 if required, and
(d) will provide evidence of qualifications if requested by the Directors.

Please get in touch with any questions on [email protected]

Kind regards,

Stefany Goldring
Company Secretary