ZerOctober: Survey Your Team
A straight-forward activity to kick off ZerOctober and guide any future sustainability steps in your clinic is to survey your team on their feelings about sustainability and climate change.
There are a number of ways you could do this, for example by getting the team together for a Lunch and Learn, or by testing or emailing the survey to them. There are heaps of free tools available for surveys, such as SurveyMonkey, Google Forms, or for a bit of fun, try Kahoot!
Here are some sample questions you could ask:
Q1. How confident are you to explain the connection between climate change and animal health? (1=not at all, 5= extremely confident)
Q2. How engaged are you with our recycling and waste reduction programs? (1=not interested, 5=totally committed)
Q3. How do you feel about being more sustainable (1=waste of time, 5=extremely important)
Q4. Do you understand what Net Zero means? (1=not at all, 5=completely understand)
Q5. What would you like to see happen in the next year? (respondents can write text)
We'd love if you're able to share your results with us - it's always helpful to understand how people feel. We can of course keep your results confidential. Please email [email protected] with your results or with any questions.