Submission into renewal of the Australian Animal Welfare Strategy

Vets for Climate Action has recommended that Animal Welfare Standards and Guidelines must be revised to include the health and welfare risks associated with climate change.

Vets for Climate Action welcomed the opportunity to contribute to the production of an updated Australian Animal Welfare Strategy (AAWS). In the first round on stakeholder consultation, we have recommended:

1. The renewed AWWS must be current, comprehensive and science-based. It must recognise  the consequences that human-caused climate change has delivered for the health and
welfare of all animals.

2. The renewed AWWS must require the Commonwealth, State and Territory governments to recognise the impact of the increasing temperature and severe weather events on the health and welfare of all animals and accept the responsibility for delivering rapid target-based action on climate change to reduce that risk.

3. The Australian Animal Welfare Standards and Guidelines need to be urgently revised and updated to recognise the risks of climate change and the responsibility of animal owners and carers to be conscious of those risks and prepared to respond.

You can read our submission here

We also want to acknowledge and thank the Vets for Climate Action volunteer Dr Janet Berry who prepared this submission.