Submission on Australia's new Nature Positive Laws
Vets for Climate Action provided a response to the Department of Climate Change,Energy, the Environment and Water’s request for feedback in relation to its Nature Positive Plan and proposed amendments to the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act).
In our submission, we made a number of recommendations including that:
> Climate change needs to be integrated in all relevant parts of the New Nature Positive laws
> EPA assessments should consider total CO2 and other GHG emissions and take account of the estimated cumulative emissions
> Habitat loss must be controlled and replaced by net habitat restoration
> Biodiversity offsets in their current form should not be relied upon to prevent biodiversity loss
We asked the Government to adopt clear, consistent, and outcome driven laws, following the best available science to afford us all the best chance to mitigate the environmental decline as a result of human-driven climate change.
Read the submission here.
We also want to acknowledge and thank the Vets for Climate Action volunteers who prepared this submission: Dr Michael Banyard, Dr Zali Brookes, and Jim Mollison.