MEDIA RELEASE: A small step for our animals - now for the bigger leap
Veterinarians call for the Federal Government to do more to protect animals - by changing Australia's environment laws to make sure they can protect our wildlife from climate change harm.
The Federal Government has today introduced legislation into Parliament to set up Australia’s first national Environment Protection Agency, known as Environment Protection Australia (EPA).
"While we commend this first step, we are urgently calling on our Government to introduce a comprehensive package of nature law reforms to protect our unique wildlife and their habitats," said Vets for Climate Action CEO Stefany Goldring.
"Without stronger amendments to our federal environmental laws, the new EPA will not be able to protect our unique wildlife from new fossil fuel projects or the clearing of millions of hectares of their habitat.
"As veterinary professionals and animal carers, we are concerned about the impact of climate change on the health and welfare on all animals and want to keep them safe on a rapidly heating planet," Ms Goldring said.
Vets for Climate Action will be writing to the Federal Government calling on the Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and his ministers to introduce a comprehensive package of nature law reforms urgently.