VfCA presents: What does good climate policy look like?

We are proud to announce that Professor Mark Howden and Professor Lesley Hughes, both eminent speakers on climate change, presented to the Veterinary profession on what good climate policy looks like. They did this through addressing the Prime Minister’s response to the open letter sent by 18 former Chief Veterinary Officers asking for urgent action on climate change (link).

We thank both Mark and Lesley for their work.



Sixty eight people attended this webinar.

Mark's presentation can be viewed below, and his slides can be accessed here. Start at 5:45 if you want to skip the introduction.

Lesley's presentation can be viewed below, and her slides can be accessed here.

Lesley will be speaking again in four weeks time as part of our Spring webinar series, and the topic in question will be the impact climate change is having on animals. We encourage you to RSVP here.