Farmers can see climate is rapidly changing
Bill Doak’s farm is on the Gwydir river a major inland perennial river in northern NSW within the Murray-Darling basin. The Gwydir Wetlands supports more breeding waterbirds than anywhere else in Australia when there is adequate water. But lately the river is drying up with catfish and cod dying and floating to the surface.
Bill was a climate change sceptic until 12 months ago, but now he recognises that something is clearly wrong. He’s noticed the rainfall patterns have changed with prolonged drought, and more intense heatwaves. He’s worried the politicians think the only things worth protecting are the coal mines, and making money but we farmers, our animals and the wildlife are suffering. He now advocates a sustainable future as our only hope of survival and wants those in charge to wake up to reality.
This article was facilitated in conjunction with Veterinarians for Climate Action.