Collect Containers for Climate Action!

Did you know that an estimated 76 megatonnes (hint: that's 76 million tonnes) of waste was generated in Australia in 2020-21 alone; that's equivalent to 2.95 tonnes per person, and an increase of 20% over 15 years. (National Waste Report 2022)

But, did you also know that every container you recycle has the potential to make a real difference? 

Recycling cans and bottles can reduce landfill, energy, and prevent the contamination of our land and oceans, protecting our wildlife and environment. And allowing the products to be given new life in to the circular economy. 

For example, aluminium can be endlessly recycled without any loss of quality. By recycling just six aluminium cans you can save enough energy to offset the carbon emissions from a 10km journey in an average-size car, 17km bus ride or 25km train trip.

Recycling one plastic bottle would save enough energy to power a 60-watt light bulb for 3 hour. For every tonne of plastic recycled, 16.3 barrels of oil and 5,774 kWh energy is saved (that’s enough energy to charge a Tesla battery more than 100x).

And, recycling one glass bottle saves enough energy to operate a 100-watt light bulb for 4 hours and power a computer for 25 minutes. Recycled glass products require approximately 74% less energy to produce than glass products made from virgin materials – sand, limestone and soda ash.

By collecting containers in at home or in your workplace and donating the proceeds to Vets for Climate Action, you're helping to promote sustainable veterinary care, advocate for climate action and protecting biodiversity!

Watch the below 1 minute to see how the process works and then click on your state to learn how you can collect for climate!

Containers for Change (QLD) - card image

Containers for Change (QLD)

Every little bit helps our cause, and more importantly every single container saved from landfill is a win for the environment AND for the animals we love!
Containers for Change (WA) - card image

Containers for Change (WA)

Every little bit helps our cause, and more importantly every single container saved from landfill is a win for the environment AND for the animals we love!
Container Deposit Scheme (VIC) - card image

Container Deposit Scheme (VIC)

You can now donate your 10c refund to Vets for Climate Action through the Container Deposit Scheme in Victoria!
Return and Earn (NSW) - card image

Return and Earn (NSW)

Every little bit helps our cause, and more importantly every single container saved from landfill is a win for the environment AND for the animals we love!