VfCA writes to Tasmanian Premier and Minister for Resources calling for a halt to logging of native forests
VfCA Chair Dr Jeannet Kessels, volunteers Dr Janet Berry and Dr Mariska Hall, and former Chief Veterinary Officer Dr Ron Glanville, have written to Tasmanian Premier and Minister for Resources. VfCA is calling for a halt to the logging of native forests in Tasmania
We highlighted the value the natural environment provides to our economy and society, the importance of biodiversity to the threatened species of Tasmania and the urgency posed by the climate crisis. VfCA is urging the Tasmanian Government to recognise its responsibility to future generations, acknowledge the full value of the old forests in Tasmania, and declare a date for the end of native logging in the state.
We hope Tasmania will follow the lead of the Victorian Government who recently announced the end of native logging by 2024.
A copy of the letter is available here.
If you would like to write your own letter to your MP, here are some tips to communicating on climate.