Healthy Transport
The transport sector is responsible for almost 20% of Australia’s emissions. This represents both an enormous challenge, and enormous opportunity to achieve better climate and health outcomes in this country.
Our transport system creates an array of negative health impacts, driven by:
- Air pollution produced by vehicles, either from burning fuel or from mechanical abrasion
- High car dependency leading to physical inactivity, road trauma and noise pollution
Negative health impacts on humans from our transport system include injury and chronic diseases, including cardiac arrests, asthma, respiratory disease, strokes, diabetes, lung cancer, adverse birth outcomes, impaired cognitive development in children and accelerated cognitive decline in elderly people.
Studies have shown similarly that air pollution has impacts on our production animals, companion animals [1] and wildlife [2]
The good news is that many opportunities exist to decarbonise Australia’s road transport system.
Vets for Climate Action is proud to join the Climate and Health Alliance and 18 other health organisations in calling for a transport system which is better for our health, animal health and better for the climate.
At VfCA we recognise that climate change is an animal health and welfare issue. A healthier transport system is a step closer to a healthier climate for our animals!
To learn more, visit and download the Evidence Brief.
To add your voice to the call for #HealthyTransport, sign the petition here:
If you have any questions or comments about this campaign, please contact us on [email protected]
[1] Duncan, C., Dennis, M., and Sangster, S., (2023) The Study and Classification of Climate-Associated Diseases in Animals, in Stephen C. & Duncan C. (eds) Climate Change and Animal Health, p. 74-75