June Update
Welcome to the June Update!
It has been a busy month for Vets for Climate Action, and we have some exciting updates on what we've been up to, as well as some exciting new developments to share with you.
It has been a busy month for Vets for Climate Action, and we have some exciting updates on what we've been up to, as well as some exciting new developments to share with you.
Catch up on Past Events
Our March Masterclass: How to talk about Climate Change and Health
We heard from Climate and Health Alliance's Remy Shergill on how to Talk About Climate Change and Health.
Remy has worked in and around the climate movement for seven years, and has developed a passion for climate-health communication at the Climate and Health Alliance. Most recently, she has worked with the World Health Organisation to develop a global toolkit for health professionals to talk about climate change.
Our April Masterclass: Championing Change: From Insight to Impact + Introducing VfCA's Carbon Calculator
Caring for animals means caring for the climate. Working towards Net Zero is your opportunity to take action on climate change. Join us to hear from Dr Jeremy Watson about the next “must have” practice development tool.
We are excited to announce that this Masterclass had an associated quiz and was eligible for 1 CPD Point and 1 AVNAT Point. And this Masterclass was proudly sponsored by MSD Animal Health.
Our May Masterclass: Australia’s Nature Positive Plan: The need for stronger laws in our changing climate
In this Masterclass we will heard from Dr Megan Kessler, Humane Society International Australia's Nature Campaigner, and Tarquin Moon, BirdLife Australia’s National Nature Campaigner about the global movement towards Nature Positive and why we urgently need new nature laws in Australia to reverse the dramatic decline in Australia’s wildlife populations and their habitats.
We were represented at the 30th VNCA Conference on the 17 - 19 April 2024 in Adelaide
Our amazing volunteer Terry George spoke on "Effective action to beat climate change – emissions reduction in practice".
It was a busy Autumn for our Rural and Regional Program!
Our first roadshow to the Northern Rivers region of NSW has been a highlight for the program so far. The area has been significantly impacted by climate pollution fueled unnatural disasters in recent years, with severe flooding impacting much of the region. Our Rural and Regional Lead Dr Elise Anderson spent a week in the area and visited many vet clinics, introducing their teams to VfCA and the important work we do.
Elise met with regional political representatives, hosted a seminar for local veterinary professionals and interested community members, and chatted with Southern Cross University about their plans for a new veterinary school to train vets and vet techs. It was a busy week, but we were blown away with the support in the area and look forward to continuing to work with the local veterinary community to advocate for climate action.
The Rural and Regional Program was also represented this year at the annual Australian Veterinary Association Conference in Melbourne at the end of May. Regional lead Dr Elise Anderson spoke to attendees on 'Impacts of Climate Change on Rural and Regional Veterinary Practice: Risks, Costs and Opportunities.' It was an exciting chance to further the discussion on this important topic within the profession.
The annual Australian Veterinary Association Conference
If you would like to know more about our Rural and Regional Program, click the button below!
Exciting Climate Care Program News and Updates
Not only is the Climate Care Program a world-first, we are thrilled to announce the latest update: The Climate Care Program now include's Australia's first Veterinary Carbon Calculator.
With thanks to our partner, Pangolin Associates, you are able to more easily measure and track your practice's carbon pawprint.
Completing the calculator is straightforward with our new step-by-step guide, found in the module: The Power of Renewables Net Zero and Carbon Calculator.
This guide empowers your practice to embark on its journey to achieving Net Zero carbon emissions. You will also learn about the carbon footprint of your practice and how you can start to reduce it and eventually become carbon neutral.
Reducing emissions is the most impactful action we can take to combat climate change and ensure a better future for the animals we care for.
Mona Vale Veterinary Hospital recently completed the last module of the Climate Care Program.
It's great to hear about some of the initiatives they've adopted including using Terracycle's recycling program, reducing their anaesthetic flow rates, and more energy efficient practices, saving around $1500 on their energy bill!
Our Climate Care Program in the May addition of Veterinarian Magazine
Vet Science Week on the Gold Coast!
We are excited to be invited back to attend Vet Science Week in July on the Gold Coast! We are looking forward to seeing you at this event!
The Vet Expo Sydney
With thanks to the help of our passionate volunteers, we made a submission in response to the Australian Government's Nature Positive Laws and proposed changes to the large piece of legislation that underpins these: the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act).
In our submission, we made a number of recommendations including that:
> Climate change needs to be integrated in all relevant parts of the New Nature Positive laws
> EPA assessments should consider total CO2 and other GHG emissions and take account of the estimated cumulative emissions
> Habitat loss must be controlled and replaced by net habitat restoration
> Biodiversity offsets in their current form should not be relied upon to prevent biodiversity loss
We asked the Government to adopt clear, consistent, and outcome driven laws, following the best available science to afford us all the best chance to mitigate the environmental decline as a result of human-driven climate change.
While not climate-focussed, we wanted to share with you a free online course to help small businesses stay cyber-safe! The Cyber Wardens program is a simple education tool that educates your team about cyber threats and will help to protect your small business against cyber threats and recover from a cyber attack. It only takes about 45 minutes.
At VfCA we take cyber security and your privacy seriously, so each of the team is now a cyber warden!
We are so pleased to be helping vet teams reduce their environmental impact, and spreading awareness on the impacts of our changing climate on the animals we all love and adore.
Vets for Climate Action's mission is to ensure that all veterinary professionals and animal carers understand the impact of climate change on animals and are inspired to take action, but we need your help!
To continue our collaboration with like-minded organisations, lead urgent action, and advocate for strong policies to mitigate climate change's impact on all animals, we need your support. Any donation, small or large, will make a difference!
We, and the animals, thank you for your ongoing support.