Clare Werbeloff - Programs Lead

Over 15 years experience in service and project management, Clare has a background in campaigning, events management and leadership roles. Clare has an embedded passion for the environment, animal welfare and climate change with professional experience in enhancing customer experience, and delivering quality long term vision solutions. 

As a former community engagement lead, Clare is experienced in successfully driving business performance and improving business outcomes with a proven ability to establish rapport with clients, colleagues, volunteers and the wider community. As a business owner, Clare has worked with a variety of people with differentiating abilities, and this gives Clare distinctive insight into people management and the ability to collaborate with, and motivate a diverse range of people to successfully achieve positive outcomes.

Clare is passionate about making positive changes for the good of the environment through the minimisation of both personal and professional impacts on climate change, and has experience working for climate advocacy organisations such as Surfrider Foundation Australia, Australian Marine Conservation Society, Humane Society International and Action for Dolphins on key events and campaigns.